So, can I be honest about something? Thank you. You know how the magazines tell us we can lose all this weight and look sexy again after having the baby? Or, remember how Justin Timberlake had everyone "bringin sexy back"? Well, I don't feel sexy. Not all the time. I mean, I am not walking around just feeling sexy. I lost the weight. I don't look 12 but I shouldn't because I'm not, but I am at my Wedding Day weight. Which is great, I just don't feel sexy. I feel like I am a child of God, someone's wife, and a mother of a lot of kids. Juggling sippy cups, getting in and out the van, homeschooling and finding bottles, nothing sexy about that. And I'm not complaining, this is my life, my calling, and I love it, I just think society and Justin has it wrong when it comes to women and being sexy.
I remember being single and wanting the attention of a man. I remember wearing the low cut tops, and the low cut dresses. I felt sexy then. But it wasn't a real sexiness. It was a sin filled satanic desire to lure men my way. I didn't even want the men as much as I wanted the attention. A sort of Jezebelesque quality.
If we hold to the definition of sexy as arousing or tending to arouse sexual desire or interest, then I don't think Christian women should walk outside of their home with the feeling of sexy. I am not saying don't look sexy for your husband. Society has established sexy as the look, feeling and behavior all women should obtain and have at all times. But our Creator, the Maker of all humans, has already given his creation, the woman, a standard and model to obtain. So go read Titus 2 and Proverbs 31. :-) (a nod to the popular scripture)
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